
Besides working directly with clients on individual programmes, I am also experienced in delivering educational courses and seminars on a wide variety of nutritional topics.

My latest course on female hormone balance has been delivered to around 80 women over several sessions and received fantastic reviews.

I have recently written a presentation on Nutrition and Stress and the impact that dietary and lifestyle factors can have on this. I presented this to the entire teaching staff at a local middle school and had some great feedback from this talk.

I delivered a 6 week course to Bracknell Sure Start Children’s Centres on healthy eating for both their staff and family members.

I am able to tailor course content to the needs of the audience and am more than happy to provide easy to follow “take home” guides and literature for future reference.

For further information on this service and rates, please contact me to discuss your requirements.


“I really enjoyed the course and learnt an enormous amount about nutrition and it has really motivated me to change my eating habits.  It has given me the confidence that I can eat healthily and look after my body in a positive way.  It has also encouraged me to cook a lot more.” Steph

“I have found this course enlightening and can use it as a stepping stone to my family’s future good health.” Amanda

“WOW & MOTIVATED”! That’s how I felt after a very interesting informative & eye-opening evening with Josie. For anyone who needs to re-charge re- balance and actually give their insides the love they deserve, then I would most definitely recommend a session with Josie.   Just after following a few simple diet changes which are non-time consuming and doable I actually feel a steady difference towards my bloat! ” Sandy

“Fantastic workshop, first one I’ve ever been to and would definitely go again. It was very interesting and definitely provides food for thought.  Although some of the presentation was quite scientific and in depth, Josie was able to put it across to the group in simple form.”  Wendy

“Thanks for such a great presentation, I’m feeling really positive and inspired about making some changes to my diet.” Emma

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