
You may be visiting my website out of interest, or maybe you have started to feel ‘unwell’ or ‘imbalanced’ in some way.  Modern life can take it’s toll on our bodies and minds.  More than ever we are realising that lifestyle factors and nutrition play a huge part in not only causing  imbalance, but in restoring optimal health and vitality.
You may be suffering from niggling symptoms, digestive disturbances that you can’t seem to shift or understand, or feel continually under par, stressed, lacking in energy or unable to get motivated.  Perhaps you have been struggling with weight loss and may have tried every diet you’ve read about.  You may have even had discussions with your GP, or had blood tests where things appear ‘normal’……
It is likely that whatever the reason, you’re probably confused with the amount of conflicting information that is out there with regard to nutrition.
This is where I can help
All too often, the demands of everyday life lead us to neglect ourselves, particularly when it comes to having a balanced diet and lifestyle.  This in turn can create a real sense of being unable thrive and ultimately get the most out of life.
With a little help, guidance and encouragement,  I can help you improve your overall well-being and begin to live to thrive!
I am a degree qualified Nutritional Therapist with a passion for educating people, so that sustainable changes can be made. These changes can drive lasting and powerful results.
I have access to a wide range of scientific tests that can help to ‘unpick’  many health issues and provide a really targeted strategy for you to follow.  These are the most most up-to-date diagnostic tools that are not readily available on the NHS.

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